Saturday, August 06, 2005

Weight Loss: Tips for Planning Your Meals

When it comes to losing weight, planning is essential. If you fail to plan you will end up snacking on high-sugar snacks, skipping meals, or eating fast-food. So for today's post I've come up with some tips for planning your week:
1. Write down a list of your meals for the week. This ensures that you are totally prepared when you go shopping and nothing nasty jumps into the trolley!
2. Do 1 major shopping trip each week. Buy all your non-perishables then, and make trips for your fresh food as you need to.
3. Only buy what's on the shopping list. Don't succumb to the marketing ploys of the supermarket. Don't even walk down the chip and lollie aisle.
4. Buy your fresh food the day before you need them. If you rely on going to the shops when you finish work to buy that nights dinner you will be tempted to just buy fast food whilst your there.
5. Never shop when you're hungry. I'm sure evryone has done this. You get home and the shopping bags are full of chips, lollies, soft drink.
6. Give meal times a priority. Set your meal times and stick to it. If you continuously do overtime or have late dinners you will be more prone to eating fast food for convenience.
7. Wash up after each meal. This one is more for the bachelors. You will find that if you have to wash up AND cook, you will be prone to just eat out.
8. Get the portions right. If you cook a recipe that serves 4, make sure that you leave 3 servings. Many people have put on fat following a low-fat diet because they were eating 2-3 servings each meal.

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