Saturday, August 06, 2005

Weight Loss: Battle of the Minds!

Losing weight is tough. It is tough physically, but especially mentally. Do you think your muscles care what you do or don't eat? It's your mind. You know what you have to do but your head gets together with your stomach and they both gang up on you. So I guess what everyone needs is a battle plan to beat these pessimistic partners.
I have always found that most people perform best under pressure. So why not use pressure to win this battle. The best method for this is to tell your friends about your weight loss goals. It's hard to cheat when you know people are watching.
I know what you are going to say "but what if I fail?". Well they're your friends aren't they? Are they going to hate you if you fail? Of course not!
You could try getting as many friends together as possible and all making a weight loss pact. Maybe even a competition. You can exercise together, or have a weekly weigh-in. You could also form an agreement where you can call any of them for support if you feel down or feel the need to binge. All of this will help keep you focussed when you have moments of self-doubt.

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