Monday, November 21, 2005
How To Exercise: Choosing the right type of exercise for you
Well the type of exercise you do largely depends on you. What do you like doing? What do you hate doing? Do you have to pay membership fees? Do you need a training partner? Do you need to buy equipment?
These are all questions you need to answer.
If you choose something that you don’t like doing, you’re not going to keep doing it for long. Think about it, if you don’t like jogging you’re hardly going to keep dragging yourself out of bed at 6am, especially when winter comes around! If you can’t find something you like, just choose the thing you hate the least. This is usually walking.
Walking is great because it suits all fitness levels. Anyone can start a walking program at any time, it’s just the intensity and duration that differs. Walking is also very social. It’s not hard to find a training partner to chat to while you exercise. This also makes the time go faster.
Whatever exercise you do, starting at a low intensity and building it up over a number of weeks is essential to the longevity of your exercise program. If you start too hard you could get an over-use injury such as shin-splints, and then you’ll have to take time off to get over it.
If you are really unfit, start by walking for 10 minutes each day. Increase it by 5 minutes every 2 weeks.
To make it more interesting try walking a different course every few days. You can also roster a different friend to walk with you each day of the week.
If walking is not for you then you may like to try a fitness centre. They have loads of variety and usually have trainers on hand to answer any queries you might have. When choosing a fitness centre, make sure they give good service. If they’re not willing to treat you well before you join, then they certainly aren’t afterwards! Also make sure that their equipment is well serviced. It’s easy to check, just listen when the machines are being used. If they squeak a lot, or make a grinding noise, then there’s a fair chance that they’re not looked after.
If you’re still not sure what you should do, then why not consider tennis or golf? There are social competitions in most areas and you may find a few new friends. Tennis is great for fitness and it’s a great social activity but it’s not for someone who is just starting out. If you haven’t exercised in a long time then you’re better off finding something a little easier.
Whatever you decide on, it must be something that you enjoy. Find that typeof exercise and you’ll be well on the way to the new you!
Ray Kelly is an Exercise Scientist with 15 years experience in the health and fitness industry. Sign up for his free 7 Day Weight Loss Course at Free Exercise and Fitness Tips
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Home Exercise Equipment: The Best Gym at Minimal Price!
The truth is, all exercise equipment are not created equal. Some can provide great variation in your training program whilst others are quite limiting. Knowing the difference before you purchase anything can save you plenty of time and money.
The equipment you buy will depend greatly on what your goals are. If you need to lose weight then you need a cardiovascular fitness program, to build muscle you need a resistance training program, and to tone your muscles you may need a combination of these.
Cardiovascular Equipment
This type of equipment includes bikes, treadmills, cross-trainers, and step machines. This is the best piece of equipment to buy if your goal is to lose weight or increase fitness. Many people are hesitant to buy cardio equipment because of the price. If this is a concern consider leasing. You should also look at garage sales, auction sites (eg, ebay), and your local newspaper as there are always bargains to be found.
One thing to remember when you buy cardio equipment is that you get what you pay for. If something is really cheap, then chances are it won’t last long.
Weight training equipment is probably the most diverse of all home exercise equipment. It can be used for building muscle, weight loss, muscle toning, and injury rehabilitation. The best thing about weights is they last forever. Buy them today and your kids could still be using them in 20 years time.
The best weight training equipment to buy is a bench, adjustable barbell, and adjustable dumbbells. Most benches have many attachments that will not only ad support but also much more variety. The adjustable barbells and dumbbells mean that you don’t have to buy hand weights or bars at every weight interval (eg, 5kg, 10kg, 12.5kg, etc). You just buy the plates and change the weight as you change the exercise.
Swiss Ball / Fitball
These have been used throughout Europe by physiotherapists since 1960 but have currently become the latest fitness fad. They provide great variety in your program but they should never be the only piece of equipment you buy. If you want to strengthen your abdominals they are great, but if you want to lose your tummy then you’re better off sticking to cardiovascular training.
This is probably the greatest tool you have and the better it is the less money you’ll need to spend. Use the things you have at your disposal. If you have stairs or a yard that is on a slope use those for extra cardio training. Household items such as chairs, tables, and hand railings can also be used for extra variety. If you’re not sure, buy a book or get a personal trainer to come over to your house and design a circuit using only what you have available.
Ray Kelly is an Exercise Scientist with 15 years experience in the health and fitness industry. Sign up for his free 7 Day Weight Loss Course at Home Exercise Programs or
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Heart Attack: Are You At Risk?
I know, I know, you feel fine but so do most people before they have a heart attack. Unfortunately, most people find out they heart disease the day they are admitted in to hospital, and they are the lucky ones!
Ladies, don’t think this is just something for men to worry about (as it has been in the past). Women, as well as men, are more likely to die of heart disease than of any form of cancer.
This is because of our modern lifestyle. We are now working longer hours, so we eat fast food, and there’s no time for exercise. To make matters worse, machines are taking the ‘work’ out of work. We are less active and it’s killing us!
So what are the risk factors for heart disease?
Firstly, there are two types of risk factors: those that can be changed, and those that can’t be changed. It’s important to know that you only need to have 3 of these to be at risk. Each extra risk factor that you have increases your chance of having a heart attack substantially.
Risk factors that can’t be changed:
- Heredity: You are at greater risk if your parents, grandparents, brothers, or sisters, have heart disease.
- Gender: Men are at greater risk than women, though the risk for women increases after menopause.
- Age: As you increase in age, so do your chances of having a heart attack. Once you reach 40 you should have regular check-ups.
Risk factors that can be changed:
- Smoking: A smoker is twice as likely than a non-smoker to have a heart attack. It not only places extra strain on the heart and lungs but also makes blood cholesterol stickier, making it easier block arteries.
- High Blood Cholesterol: Cholesterol is produced naturally by the body and is essential to our health. The problem comes when we consume too much in our diet.
- High Blood Pressure: Just like with high cholesterol there are no early symptoms. The first most people learn they have this is when it’s at a dangerous level.
- Physical Inactivity: If you are inactive, you are more likely to have a heart attack. Even a 10 minute walk each day can make all the difference.
- Obesity: If you are obese, you are placing your heart under a great deal of strain even at rest.
I might be at risk, what should I do?
If you think you could be at risk, the first thing you should do is visit your doctor. Secondly, you need to modify your lifestyle. Exercise for at least 10 minutes per day (30 minutes is better but anything is better than none!). You also need to eat foods that are low in fat. If you smoke you need to give up.
Even if you don’t have many risk factors it’s a good idea to visit you doctor for a check up each year. Some risk factors can change within a short period of time and getting on to them early can make all the difference.
Ray Kelly is an Exercise Scientist with 15 years experience in the health and fitness industry. Sign up for his free 7 Day Weight Loss Course at Heart Attack Symptoms or
Monday, November 14, 2005
Complete Your Own Fitness Assessment At Home!
This can be depressing for most people because the results confirm what they have been avoiding: They’re overweight, unfit, and at high risk of heart disease!
But these people a looking at it all wrong. Don’t get depressed, get focused!
This could be one of the biggest turning points in your life. You can get fitter, you can rid yourself of fat, and you can reduce your risk of heart disease. And it doesn’t take much work.
Just commitment!
Ok. Let’s get into the Fitness Assessment. You will need a pen and some paper to write down your measurements, and a cloth measuring tape (like the ones used for sewing).
- Take shoes and socks off.
- Stand against wall with feet together.
- Pull shoulders back and look straight ahead.
- Place a book on top of your head (make sure that it touches the wall and is level).
- Measure from bottom of book to floor.
This is the one everyone hates. Too much emphasis is placed on weight and it isn't an accurate measure of how much excess fat you carry. You can burn 10kg of fat but the scales only show you as 5kg lighter. It happens all the time. When you haven’t exercised much and you start a regular program, it can be quite easy to put on a bit of muscle. So remember, your weight is only a measure of gravity (and gravity sucks!).
You should only weigh yourself every couple of weeks. You can measure your progress more accurately with the measuring tape.
- Take shoes and socks off.
- Stand on the scales with feet evenly spaced and weight evenly distributed over both feet.
Resting Heart Rate
This is the number of times that your heart beats, per minute, when totally rested. It’s best to measure this when you first wake up.
- Sit on a chair and use the first two fingers on your left hand to feel for your pulse on your right wrist. Your palm should be turned up, and you will feel it on the right side of the wrist.
- Count how many beats you have in 60 seconds.
If your heart is healthy, it will be below 80 beats per minute. As you get fitter, your resting heart rate drops, which means that your heart doesn’t have to work as hard. Your goal should be to reach 50-60 beats.
Girth Measurements
Measure your waist, stomach, and hips. Keep the tape measure firm. This is what you will measure your improvements against.
The measuring points can be found at these locations:
- Waist: This is the smallest place between your hips and your chest
- Stomach: In line with your navel.
- Hips: This is the biggest measurement at the pelvis.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Body Mass Index basically measures your level of fatness (I know, I just made that word up!).
It’s calculated using the formula: BMI = ( Weight in Kilograms / ( Height in Meters ) x ( Height in Meters ) ).
So if your height is 1.73 meters (173cm) and your weight is 90 kilograms, you would start by multiplying 1.73 * 1.73. This equals 2.99. Next you would divide that number into your weight (90).
Therefore, the formula would look like: 90 divided by 2.99 = 30.1!
If you don’t use the metric system, use this formula: BMI = ( Weight in Pounds / ( Height in inches ) x ( Height in inches ) ) x 703
Although a small amount of excess body fat (26-27) is not likely to be very harmful to the health of most people, having a BMI above 30 (obese) significantly increases the risks of a wide range of diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, osteoarthritis, and gall bladder disease. This is especially true for people who have excess fat in the abdominal area.
Waist-to-Hip Ratio
This measures your risk of heart attack. It does this by assessing body fat distribution. The closer the score is to 1.00, the higher the risk of heart disease. A good score is <0.88.
It can be measured by dividing your waist measurement (cm), by your hip measurement (cm)
Ray Kelly is an Exercise Scientist with 15 years experience in the Health and Fitness industry. Find out more about weight loss and heart disease at: or
Friday, November 11, 2005
Exercise and Pregnancy: Fact Sheet
There are many benefits for women who wish to exercise through their pregnancy.
Exercise can:
- Increase energy levels
- Help prevent feelings of discomfort, clumsiness, and unattractiveness
- Improve circulation, reduce swelling and formation of varicose veins in the lower legs
- Help tone muscles allowing the body to return to its pre-pregnancy state much faster
- Improve posture, so less back ache
The major concerns of training whilst pregnant are:
- Foetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen for the baby)
- Foetal hyperthermia (internal temperature gets too hot)
- Reduced carbohydrate supply to the foetus (baby doesn’t get enough food)
These should only be concerns if the mother does not exercise intelligently. Ask your doctor for further information when obtaining your medical clearance.
- Obtain a medical clearance prior to commencement
- Never let your heart rate get over 135 beats per minute for a sustained period. This can vary from person to person but a good rule of thumb is to reduce the intensity if you cannot comfortably hold a conversation with someone whilst exercising.
- Balance will be a problem as you get bigger so always keep both feet on the ground (no jumping, skipping, lunging, stepping, etc).
- Non-weight bearing exercise (eg. Cycling, swimming) is preferable to weight bearing exercise (eg. Jogging).
- Exertion levels should be determined on an individual basis. Someone who has had a long exercise history and a high fitness level will be able to tolerate higher intensities without affecting the foetus.
- Avoid strenuous exertion during the first trimester. If you haven’t exercised before, walking is a great way to start.
- Increases in exercise quantity and quality should be very gradual for previously inactive women.
- Avoid exercise or positioning of the individual in the supine (lying on the floor face up) posture, particularly in late gestation (due to decreased cardiac output).
- Avoid exercise in warm/humid environments.
- Drink liquids before and after exercise to avoid dehydration. Wear loose cotton clothing.
- Do not exercise when fatigued, particularly in late gestation. Never exercise to exhaustion.
- Periodic rest intervals may be helpful to minimize hypoxia or heat stress to the foetus.
- Pregnancy requires an increase of 300k/cal per day so if you are exercising you require even more. Ensure you have an adequate diet.
For more information, go to
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Walking For Weight Loss: How Many Calories Does It Burn?
This should give you plenty of reasons to try and walk a little each and every day. Besides that, simple physical inactivity is one of the leading causes of ill health.
Walking not only benefits you but it also benefits the Earth. By learning to walk rather than driving a car you are doing your part to help the environment by not releasing toxins into the air, which hurts the long-term stability of the planet. A short four-mile trip you take walking keeps about fifteen pounds of pollutants out of the air we breathe.
Walking also saves you money on gas and other expenses associated with your vehicle. Every time you start your car it costs you about five cents considering current gas prices. Needless to say driving anywhere adds to this enormously. Yet, most people still use their vehicles to make short trips, which could easily be made by walking. If you can even make the simple choice to walk once a week when you would normally drive you will go a long way toward making a difference both in your pocket book as well as in your life.
Walking is also a stress reducer. Stress has been proven to contribute more than any other factor to the reduction of longetivity. Walking can help reduce that stress and increase your longetivity.
One of the primary reasons people decide to walk is to lose pounds.
There are some simple formulas you can use to determine how many calories are being burned according to your weight and how fast you are walking.
3.0 miles/hour (20-minute mile): Burns .027 calories/pound/minute.
3.5 miles/hour (17 minute mile): Burns .033 calories/pound/minute.
4.0 miles/hour (15 minute mile): Burns .042 calories/pound/minute.
4.5 miles/hour (13 minute mile): Burns .047 calories/pound/minute.
Take the number of calories/pound/minute you burn and multiply it by your weight and then by the number of minutes you walk.
For example, if you weigh 150 pounds and walk a 20-minute mile for 60 minutes, you multiply 150 by .027, then multiple the result (4.5) by 60. You burn 270 calories.
It is important that when you do walk that you walk at a moderate pace. Walking will do you no good if it is so leisurely that you exert no effort. A good walk should leave you moderately perspired. This ensures that you are working at an ideal intensity.
Walking is a habit like anything else. If you can create a habit of walking everyday it will contribute to a new and healthy you in the long term.
Ray Kelly is an Exercise Scientist with 15 years experience in the health and fitness industry. Follow one of his walking programs at or
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
5 Little Known Facts About Lactic Acid
1. Lactic Acid is Always Present
It’s always being produced. At rest your lactic acid levels will be about 1 millimoles/liter (mmol/L). As exercise intensity increases so does the production of lactic acid. It’s not until you pass your anaerobic threshold that it reduces your efficiency. For most people this is approximately 4 mmol/L, or 70-80% of their VO2max.
2. Not Just Oxygen Deficiency
It is commonly thought that it is the lack of oxygen that causes the increased production of lactic acid. Whilst it is a contributing factor, it is the absence of the “carrier molecules” NAD (nicotinomide adenine dinucleotide) and FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide) that have a much greater effect. They play the important role of transporting hydrogen into the cells for use in the production of energy. If they are not around, the hydrogen joins with pyruvate to produce lactic acid.
3. Lactic Acid as Fuel
Lactic acid is usually removed from the muscle tissue within 30 minutes after exercise. It is used by liver, heart, and kidney as a source of energy. The liver can also convert it back into glucose, where it is released into the bloodstream for muscle use. It can also be converted into glycogen for storage.
4. Fatigue and Lactic Acid
Most people know that increases in lactic acid causes a decrease in your ability to perform but few actually know how this occurs.
Firstly, you’ll have a decrease in energy. The increase in hydrogen reduces the production of ATP (energy) by inhibiting key ezymes involved in its production.
Secondly, your muscles won’t be able to contract as often or with as much force. For a muscle to contract we need calcium to attach itself to binding sites within the muscle. The more calcium attached, the more forceful the contraction. The problem occurs because hydrogen competes with calcium for bindings sites.
5. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is the pain you feel in the muscle 24-48 hours after exercise. It was once thought that lactic acid caused this but it has now been proven wrong.
It’s the excessive mechanical force which results in damage to the muscle or connective tissue. The body responds by repairing it and this stimulates sensory nerve endings which results in pain. This is why it usually occurs when you first start an exercise program, or when you train at an unusually high intensity.
Ray Kelly has a degree in Exercise Science and has worked in the fitness industry for 15 years. For more information on health and fitness, go to:
How Fat Is Burned: turning fat into energy, carbon-dioxide and water!
But it’s far more complicated than that. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, each get converted to energy but each take a different path.
Before I start on how fat is burned (or broken down), let me first explain a few key terms in the process of converting food to energy:
ATP: Adenosine Tri-phosphate is energy. It’s what the body uses as fuel at the cellular level. It can be produced using oxygen (aerobic), or without the presence of oxygen (anaerobic).
Glycolysis: An anaerobic process where glucose is converted to pyruvic acid.
Pyruvic Acid: If oxygen is available it is converted into acetyl CoA. If no oxygen is available it is converted into lactic acid.
Acetyl CoA: All this potential energy can only be achieved if it enters the Krebs Cycle, and to do this it must first be converted in to acetyl CoA.
Krebs Cycle: This is an eight step cycle that amongst other things, removes hydrogen and carbon-dioxide. It also produces a small amount of ATP.
The Electron Transport Chain: The final process in the breakdown of foods. This is where most of the ATP is formed.
How Fat Is Broken Down
There are a number of fats in the body but it’s the triglycerides, or “neutral fats”, that are usually converted to energy. The triglycerides come from both stored fat (from within fat cells and skeletal muscle fibers) and diet (the foods we eat). This single triglyceride will eventually produce 441 ATP molecules. When compared to the 38 ATP that are produced by glucose, you can easily see why fat is considered a much richer source of energy.
Step 1: The break-down of triglycerides
To be used for energy a triglyceride needs to be broken down into its basic units: one molecule of glycerol and 3 molecules of fatty acids. This process is called Lipolysis.
Step 2: Conversion to acetyl CoA
Although they both have the same outcome, the glycerol and fatty acids each follow a different path. Their goal is to enter the Krebs Cycle, but first they must get converted to acetyl CoA.
Step 2a: Glycerol to acetyl CoA
Glycerol, which is a basic sugar, follows the glycolytic pathway (glycolysis). During this process it is converted into pyruvic acid. For entry into the Krebs Cycle, the pyruvic acid must be converted to acetyl CoA.
This is done in 3 steps:
i) One carbon is removed from the pyruvic acid and released as carbon dioxide, which is released from the cell and exits via the lungs.
ii) Hydrogen atoms are removed and will later exit be used to produce more energy.
iii) What’s left is called acetic acid, and it is combined with coenzyme A to form Acetyl CoA
Step 2b: Fatty acids to acetyl CoA
Fatty acids are converted into Acetyl CoA via a process called beta-oxidation. During this process the fatty acid chains are broken apart, forming two acetic acid molecules. Each of these are then fused to coenzyme A, forming acetyl CoA.
Step 3: The Krebs Cycle
At this point both the glycerol and the fatty acids have been converted to Acetyl CoA and are now ready for the Krebs Cycle. As the Acetyl CoA is broken down, carbon-dioxide and hydrogen are removed. Once again the carbon-dioxide exits the body via the lungs. However, the hydrogen moves on to the final stage.
Step 4: The Electron Transport Chain
The Electron Transport Chain is the final process in the break down of food. Each of the hydrogen molecules that were removed during the previous processes have been transported here. They now combine with oxygen to form water (H20), with the resulting energy from this reaction causing the formation of ATP.
Ray Kelly is an Exercise Scientist with 15 years experience in the Health and Fitness industry. Sign up for his free 7 Day Weight Loss Course at:
Friday, September 02, 2005
Weight Loss: Goal-Setting for Success!
If you were going to travel to the other side of the world, you’d need to plan it. I mean, you’re not going to just book a seat on a plane, take off and just take it all as it comes. You need to plan your finances, organize time off from work, get a visa, book accommodation, the list goes on.
Well, the same detail needs to be applied when you’re trying to change your life.
The best way to do this is to set goals.
Goal-setting is used by all successful people. It gives them a plan of attack. It keeps them focused on the small things that must be done to achieve big dreams. It tells them precisely what they must do each day in order to succeed.
I bet when you’ve tried to rid yourself of excess fat in the past you’ve just said “I’m going to lose 10kg’s…..I’m going to exercise….and I’m not going to eat fat”, and that is your plan.
This is why many people fail. They forget the details.
To get the details, you must answer these questions:
We’ll start with the first statement: “I’m going to lose 10kg”. In what time frame? If you don’t have much time then that will affect how much exercise you have to do. It will also affect how strict your diet must be.
Q1. How much body fat do you need to lose?
Q2. What is the time frame? (a realistic level is 0.5-1kg per week)
Next, is the exercise. What type of exercise are you going to do? When are you going to do it? You can’t achieve long-term success if you don’t plan your exercise.
Q3. What type of exercise are you going to do?
Q4. What days will you do it?
Q5. What time will you do it?
Q6. Who will you do it with?
Q7. Do you need to buy any equipment?
Finally, your eating plan. You need to plan every single meal and snack. I know it’s takes time but you can’t succeed without it. Remember, you not only have to avoid foods high in fat, but also foods high in sugar.
Q8. What will you have for breakfast each morning?
Q9. What will you have for lunch? Do you need to prepare it the night before?
Q10. What will you have for dinner?
Q11. Do you snack? What will you snack on?
Each of these questions need to be answered if you wish to succeed. Sit down right now and do your list. Then you will have your detailed plan for successful fat loss!
Friday, August 19, 2005
Exercise and Kids: The difference between training children and adults
The greatest mistake a person can make when exercising with children is to treat them like little adults. Children are growing and developing rapidly. This means that certain physiological issues must be considered when they are exercising.
Bone Injuries That Affect Growth
When most parents think of children and weight training their first concern is the possibility of it affecting their growth. Contrary to popular belief, weight training will actually improve the bone and muscular systems. It is when children have a lack of qualified supervision that accidents occur. Actually, growth problems are extremely rare when children are given well-designed programs with qualified supervision. In fact, growth problems occur more frequently in dynamic sports such as Tennis, Swimming, and Baseball, than they do in weight training.
Another misconception about growth related injuries is that it will happen without you noticing it. It is actually quite painful because you are actually cracking the top of the bone. It will cease the growth in that bone only so if you get this injury in your upper left thigh (femur), only your left femur will stop growing. Your right femur will continue to grow.
Kids Have Higher Heart Rates and Lower Blood Pressure
A child has a smaller heart and less blood volume than an adult so the child’s heart compensates by beating more often (per minute). A child’s blood pressure is also less than an adult because this is directly proportional to body size. It reaches adult levels in their late teens.
Children Don’t Perform Well Without Oxygen!
Children have a limited ability to perform anaerobic activities due to the limited production of the enzymes required for provide energy in the absence of oxygen.
Keep Kids Cool In The Heat
A child’s sweat glands are not yet fully developed so they are less effective at cooling down through evaporation then adults. Make sure they drink lots of water and always exercise in light, cotton clothing.
Ray has worked extensively in the health and fitness industry for over 15 years. He has a degree in Exercise Science and is a Level 2 Strength and Conditioning coach. Ray has been involved in athlete development for the Olympics and world championships for 10 years, also lecturing at coaching accreditation courses. Free Tips for Weight Loss Program and Meal Planner
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Lose Weight, Get Fit and Live Longer!
Not enough time? Too expensive? Unmotivated?
Well the fact is everybody wants to be healthier but it is time consuming and expensive. Or is it? The problem is that an individual’s health is not given a high priority until it’s gone.
Not enough time?
Whether the person realizes it or not, they are just procrastinating. They seem to think that they will have more time in the future. To add to this the longer they wait the lower their health will become. Time must be allocated in your schedule or it will never be done because something will always come up. And lets face it, its no good having a big house and a luxurious car if you are no longer around to enjoy it! If you can’t spare 30 consecutive minutes each day then three, ten-minute sessions can still improve your condition.
Too Expensive?
Exercise costs nothing! Just walking each day is enough to ensure a long and healthy life. This is something just about everyone can do so it also provides a great opportunity to spend time with family and friends.
Well at least you’re honest! The trick is to find something you enjoy. Try something social like a group walk, tennis, or golf. If you would rather spend time alone then go for a walk, take your headphones, and listen to your favourite music. If you get bored easily then try a Personal Trainer. Even if it only for one session. They can provide you with variety and ideas on how to keep the exercise program interesting.
However it is easy to see why people get confused when trying to improve their lifestyle with so many diets and eating plans that seem to contradict each other. Then there’s the abdominal machines, home gyms, and crosstrainers sold through the media that promise great results but always end up as expensive dust collectors.
The trick is to keep it simple:
· When it comes to your food intake consume low fat meals: it makes sense that the less fat that goes into your mouth, the less fat that will stay on the body.
· Eat meals with plenty of variety: the more variety, the greater intake of all the required nutrients. And keep portion size relative to what you require: eating low fat foods will still make you put on weight if you are eating enough for two people.
· Eat foods high in fibre: these foods are more filling.
· When it comes to exercise, just move more! You must burn more calories than you put into your mouth. Walk to the shops, take the stairs, or hide the remote control for the TV. It all adds up.
· If you can’t exercise on a given day, then be even more vigilant with your food intake.
· Exercise doesn’t have to be hard, just regular. It just takes thirty minutes each day to ward off our biggest killer: heart disease.
Ray Kelly has helped over 5000 people achieve their health and fitness goals. Living a healthy lifestyle can be easy. Check it out at: Free Tips on Weight Loss and Heart Disease!
Kids and Weight Training: When Should They Start?
What age should they start?
This is more of an ethical question. A child can start training with weights at any age, but the real question is: should they? Providing they have a well-designed program and constant supervision by a qualified trainer they will achieve benefits from weight training.
But before you do start your child with weights consider what they are trying to achieve.
· If it is to improve their sport, then you will find that concentrating more on the skills of the sport, rather than strength will usually provide faster improvements.
· If you are looking to build muscle and strength, then it’s no good starting them with weights until they start producing testosterone. This is usually between 14-17 years.
Making Weight Training Safe for Kids
Make sure your child has a positive experience with exercise by following these guidelines:
· All equipment should be safe and inspected regularly for defects.
· Training equipment should be located in an uncrowded area.
· The child must have the emotional maturity to follow instructions relating to technique and safety.
· There must be adequate supervision of the child by an experienced and registered Trainer to ensure correct technique is used.
· Training should start with a thorough warm-up and finished with a thorough cool-down.
· No weight should be added to the exercise until the child can perform it with correct technique.
· Full range of motion must be performed on all exercises. If this cannot be done then the weight is too heavy.
· No maximum lifts or competitions should be attempted.
· Full body programs are advised. These should be done 2-3 times per week.
· The child should perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
· The weight should only be increased when the child can perform 15 repetitions with correct technique.
· Make It Fun!!!!!
Ray Kelly has helped over 5000 people achieve their health and fitness goals. Living a healthy lifestyle can be easy. Check it out at: Free Tips on Weight Loss and Heart Disease!
Inactivity, Not Aging Causes Most of our Health Problems
Weight training is also a great option. Start them on a 20 minute program (3-4 exercises), and increase them from there as they adapt. Keep sets at 2-3, reps at 10-15, and the rest interval between sets at 90 seconds.
The facts:
· Improvements in fitness and oxygen consumption with training are similar for younger or older men and women. Though, an older person will generally start at a lower level and peak at a lower level than a younger person.
· Older subjects show greater gains in muscle oxidative enzyme activities.
· Aging appears neither to impair the ability to improve muscle strength nor prevent muscle growth.
· Exercise can help arthritic patients by increasing strength and mobility.
Older people who exercise have:
· Higher VO2max values and half the expected decrease in VO2max due to age
· Higher HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol
· Enhanced glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity
· Greater strength, reaction time, and a lower risk of falling
· Increased bone density (reduced chance of osteoporosis)
· Always get a medical examination and clearance before starting an exercise program.
· All equipment should be safe and inspected regularly for defects.
· Training equipment should be located in an uncrowded area.
· There must be adequate supervision by an experienced and registered trainer to ensure correct technique is used.
· Programs should start with regular stretching and strengthening exercises, with a progression to more dynamic aerobic activities. Cycling and swimming are recommended over jogging.
· Older people are generally less tolerant of environmental stress so restrict training in extreme temperatures.
· Until they are experienced in weight training, only use exercises that require them to keep both feet on the ground (e.g. Squats instead of Lunges). This will reduce their risk of falling and injuring themselves.
· Ensure all abdominal work is done on the floor and not on the Swiss Ball.
· Only light lifting should be done above the head.
· No isometric exercises.
Ray Kelly has helped over 5000 people achieve their health and fitness goals. Living a healthy lifestyle can be easy. Check it out at: Free Tips on Weight Loss and Heart Disease!
High Blood Pressure: 10 Tips That Could Save Your Life!
The problem is, it has no early symptoms. You feel good, life’s great. Yes, you may be a little unfit and you could eat better, but generally you feel fine.
If you’re lucky, you’ll get a warning. Some people will have dizzy spells whilst for others the early warning comes as a mild heart attack. If you are one of the lucky ones who get the warning, don’t take it lightly.
Hypertension is part of the collective term ‘Cardiovascular Disease’. Cardiovascular Disease encompasses high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart failure, and stroke. It is the biggest killer in the western world with 696,947 deaths in 2002 in the US alone.
High Blood Pressure can be reduced significantly and quickly through making minor adjustments to your lifestyle. Until then, these guidelines should be followed:
1. Have regular medical checks, especially if you are over 40, overweight, smoke, or lead an inactive lifestyle.
2. Start an exercise program. Obtain a medical clearance prior to starting.
3. The exercise program must be gradual, regular and aerobic in nature (walking/cycling). Start by walking 5 days per week, for 10-20 minutes. Something as simple as walking 10 minutes per day can reduce blood pressure to the extent where medication is no longer required.
4. Give up smoking (or at least cut down!). Giving up smoking has been proven to be the greatest single factor in improving your health fast.
5. Eliminate salt from your diet. As salt travels through the body it draws fluid out of the blood vessels, which in turn increases blood pressure.
6. Avoid isometric exercises. These are exercises where you exert force against an immovable object (eg, trying to lift something really heavy). You generally hold your breath whilst doing this, and that will make your blood pressure skyrocket.
7. Avoid sudden changes in temperature as this too can increase blood pressure and put extra strain on a weak heart.
8. Never lift anything above the head. It doesn’t matter whether its weights, or a can of baked beans. In fact, I know a person who has to sit down to wash his hair because his blood pressure rises whenever he raises his arms up!
9. Focus on your breathing throughout any lifting or stretching as holding your breath will increase blood pressure.
10. Don’t use pulse rate as a direct measure of exercise intensity if blood pressure medications are being used, as these can decrease pulse rate significantly.
High blood pressure does not have to be a death sentence. Give it the respect it deserves and it just may turn out to be a positive turning point. The start of the new (fit and healthy) you!
Ray Kelly has helped over 5000 people achieve their health and fitness goals. Living a healthy lifestyle can be easy. Check it out at: Free Tips on Weight Loss and Heart Disease!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Weight Loss: Battle of the Minds!
I have always found that most people perform best under pressure. So why not use pressure to win this battle. The best method for this is to tell your friends about your weight loss goals. It's hard to cheat when you know people are watching.
I know what you are going to say "but what if I fail?". Well they're your friends aren't they? Are they going to hate you if you fail? Of course not!
You could try getting as many friends together as possible and all making a weight loss pact. Maybe even a competition. You can exercise together, or have a weekly weigh-in. You could also form an agreement where you can call any of them for support if you feel down or feel the need to binge. All of this will help keep you focussed when you have moments of self-doubt.
Weight Loss and Alcohol
Another problem is that when you drink, you tend to eat high salt or high fat snacks. You know you do! The chips, nuts, pretzels, and the hotels don't make it any easier by providing free food!
So, what's the answer? To start with, reduce your drinking to a couple of times per week. The next step is to eat before you start drinking. Eat something substantial so that you're not hungry again in an hour. Also, drink a few glasses of water before you start on the alcohol. This will reduce your thirst which will stop you from drinking your first few fast.
Weight Loss: Tips for Planning Your Meals
1. Write down a list of your meals for the week. This ensures that you are totally prepared when you go shopping and nothing nasty jumps into the trolley!
2. Do 1 major shopping trip each week. Buy all your non-perishables then, and make trips for your fresh food as you need to.
3. Only buy what's on the shopping list. Don't succumb to the marketing ploys of the supermarket. Don't even walk down the chip and lollie aisle.
4. Buy your fresh food the day before you need them. If you rely on going to the shops when you finish work to buy that nights dinner you will be tempted to just buy fast food whilst your there.
5. Never shop when you're hungry. I'm sure evryone has done this. You get home and the shopping bags are full of chips, lollies, soft drink.
6. Give meal times a priority. Set your meal times and stick to it. If you continuously do overtime or have late dinners you will be more prone to eating fast food for convenience.
7. Wash up after each meal. This one is more for the bachelors. You will find that if you have to wash up AND cook, you will be prone to just eat out.
8. Get the portions right. If you cook a recipe that serves 4, make sure that you leave 3 servings. Many people have put on fat following a low-fat diet because they were eating 2-3 servings each meal.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Exercises to Tone Your Legs
The biggest mistake I see is the use of Isolation exercises. These are great if you weigh 45-55kg and have <20% bodyfat but most people don't. Isolation exercises are the ones where only one joint moves. Yes, you've done them! You know, lying on the floor, on your side, and raising your leg. There are many of them and they are a waist of time for people looking to lose weight and tone their legs.
The best exercises are Compound. Compound exercises are those that use more than one muscle group. These are easy to pick out because you will have more than one joint moving. The best of these are Squats and Lunges. There are many forms of these so do a search, and tone those legs fast!
Eating for Weight Loss
You just need to keep it simple. Move (exercise) more than you usually do and reduce the amount of food you eat. You may not see dramatic weight loss initially like you could on the fad diets but you will definately keep the weight off longer.
Some simple eating modifications are: reduce the size of your portions at meal times, eat a breakfast high in fibre, drink more water. For more tips click on the heading of this post.
The Basics on Exercising for Weight Loss
Firstly, you just need to move. Walk around the house, up and down the stairs, to the shops, it all counts. If you move more now than what you did before then you are in front.
If you are unfit start with short walks. You would have read that you should exercise for at least 30 minutes per day but if that is too much for you, you are better off starting with 5 minutes, then building it up to 30 minutes. Alternatively, you can complete 3-4 * 5 minutes walks per day, which will bring you results faster. If you can sustain 30-60 minutes then try to change the course you walk/run each day of the week. This will at least change the scenery. Also, find a friend who is fitter than you to exercise with. They will provide motivation and be less likely to quit on you.
Now having a program will do little good if you aren't training regularly. Forget the excuses. If you really want the results, you will find a way:
Knee/ankle injury: swim
Have kids: take them with you or find a friend who also wants to exercise and look after each other's kids whilst the other exercises.
Don't have time: well find 30 minutes. I'm sure you could find the time to do something to save your life (and one day it may come to that)
Don't have energy: you will find that you will actually have more energy once you increase your fitness level
You will have days where you just don't want to exercise. We all have them. These are the days when you must train. If consistency is the key to success, then training on the days you don't feel like it is paramount, because you will have more of those than days you feel like it. The way accomplish this is to have shorter or less intense sessions on these days. Now of course you can't be having these types of sessions every day but if you can push through your un-motivated periods doing this then you will succeed.
So that is it. Find a form of exercise you enjoy, start at a sensible intensity, and do it consistently!
The Best Exercise for Weight Loss
The form of exercise you choose is very important because it will have a direct effect on the success of your program. If you don't enjoy it, you won't keep doing it. I often find that for people who don't enjoy any form of exercise, walking is usually a good starting point. Try to drag a friend or family member along as it will pass the time and make your training a little more social. Once you have built up fitness, you can have a go at something a bit more demanding.
If walking is not your thing, try tennis, swimming, or join a fitness centre. Many fitness centres offer much more than just weights and aerobics these days and you may just find something you will enjoy. As for the more mature people, quite a lot of fitness centres offer special classes for your age group which focus on increasing functional strength and flexibility.
'Stay at home mums' should also consider joining a local sporting competition. Many sports associations offer day time competitions in Netball, Basketball, etc. It doesn't matter if you don't know anyone as they will find a team for you. Don't worry about the kids, if they offer a day time competition, they will also have childminding facilities.
If you can't see yourself doing any of that, check out our website (Training Diary) and train at home!
Starting an Exercise Program
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Childhood Obesity
1. Kids need activity: How do you think a kid will end up if they are sedentary and eat lots. They will get fat, have no social skills, and will have low self-esteem. Playing with other kids provides much more than exercise. It teaches them how to interact with others, conflict resolution, and increases their confidence.
2. Kids don't need to eat all the time: Your child will get by on 3 meals a day. They only need snacks if they are very active, and even then give them something low in fat and sugar. Then theres portion size. Kids don't need a large plate heaped with food, and they certainly don't need seconds, and thirds!
3. If nothing changes, nothing changes!:I will put this to you straight. If you don't set your childs exercise and eating habits whilst their young then theres a good chance that you will be burying them later. I know its strong but these are the facts. People are now dying in their 20's and 30's from heart disease and the figures are growing. It's crazy!
4. Kids need role models: Now this is where it gets hard because I understand that work and family commitments take up a lot of time. But 10 minutes per day can make a great deal of difference. It really can. Go for a walk, throw a ball, do anything. You'll probably also improve your relationship with your kids even further!
Exercise and Motivation
Well if that's not motivation enough, check out my Top 50 Motivational Tips
The Atkins Diet Is Dead
It's certainly not hard to understand why it was popular. I mean, what other diet would let you eat as much fat, meat, and alcohol as you like. Yes, you have to go through the basic detox at the start but in the end, this is what they offer.
But the health problems related to this are phenominal. Not only will you put the weight back on when you come off the diet but your liver and kidneys would have taken a pounding!
Childhood obesity is a huge issue at the moment and its only going to get worse if we don't start removing all traces of these fad diets and start being sensible about our eating!
Anyway, its sounds as though people are smartening up.